Beautifully cut sheep figure coaster set with 6 coasters.
Makes an ideal gift for a special friend's birthday, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Valentine's Day or even National Braai Day!
IDEA: Make this a decoupage project.
During checkout, please let us know which Pep branch is closest to you, in the comments box.
Let your toddler showcase their inner artist with a colouring book from Save the Sheep Products!
While we love it when kiddies have hours of fun, we also know the importance of child development. Colouring books provide kids with the opportunity to practice and develop concentration, motor skills and early coordination through the art of writing and drawing.
Your child will get to improve grip and hand strength, which is useful for their development.
34 Pages filled with our animated sheep range and dot-to-dot art.
Double page of all the characters in full colour to improve scissor skills.
Remember to complete your nearest Pepstores Branch details at checkout.
What a awesome, special and unique baby gift!
This super soft and cuddly baby blanket is handmade with love.
It is just what you need to keep your precious little one warm.
Add a special touch with the baby's name or you own wording!!!!
Blankets with name R900, if you choose this option, we will make contact with you to finalise name/wording details.
Blankets without name R800
The blanket is crocheted with wool and is about 90 cm x 76 cm.
It is also a great idea for a special gift.
Hand wash is recommended.
During checkout, please let us know which Pep branch is closest to you, in the comments box.
n Moet lees boek vir almal!
“As ek nie ‘n gelowige mens was nie, sou ek nie deur hierdie verskriklike tyd kon kom nie”, skryf Hannelie in haar voorwoord. As ma staan sy by haar stukkende kind met breinskade in die hospitaal na ‘n motorongeluk en voel aan dat die Here se wonderwerkende krag haar kind en ook hulle as ouers deur hierdie seer sal kry.
Dit raak vir haar ‘n lang dag -tot-dag belewing van goed en sleg, positief en negatief, aanhou en uithou en steeds afhanklik voortgaan. Dikwels voel dit asof ook sy kopskade opgedoen het! Die hospitaal word haar vertoefplek en omgee-mense haar skuilplek.
As sy dus maande later skryf: “Die Here wil hê ek moet vir Hom getuig, vir ander vertel van Sy krag en Sy genade”, is dit die geboorte van hierdie boek.
Sy voer haar lesers baie eerlik saam op die pad van onsekerheid, vrees, verlange, ongeduld en woede. Tog ook deur jubelinge van vordering en hulpverlening en bystand en liefde en herstel. ‘n Mens kan nie anders nie as om met respek by haar te leer dat jy kan weet dat jy eintlik op die beste plek is as jy in God se wil is, selfs al lyk alles om jou sleg…
As jy van geloof wil lees en leer hoe om die klein dingetjies in die lewe daagliks meer te waardeer, gaan KOPSKADE vir jou beslis tot stigting wees.
Carine Visser
Formaat: Sagteband
Bladsye: 171
Karoo women at work for a farming district in need
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