Our crochet farm mice are well-behaved little mice who will not invade your pantry :-)
Fell in love with these cute little characters.
Approximately 40cm tall
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Spesiaal vir ons Afrikaanse ondersteuners!
Kontreistories van karakters uit die Boesmanland, Hantam en Namakwaland uit die pen van die skrywer Hannelie van Niekerk
Beautiful prints on cushions Size 50x50cm
Cover R350 each
Inner R50 each
From original art on canvas by artists:
Ena Hough (all Karoo prints)
Elizma Van Niekerk from Art by Elizma (all cats, dogs and sheep)
Ewe and lamb - artist anonymous
During checkout, please let us know which Pep branch is closest to you, in the comments box.
During checkout, please let us know which Pep branch is closest to you, in the comments box.
Karoo women at work for a farming district in need
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